Dr. Francisco Julián Ariza Hernández
Productividad Académica
Ariza-Hernández, F. J., Árciga-Alejandre, M. P., Sánchez-Ortiz, J., and Fleitas-Imbert, A. (2020). Bayesian Derivative Order Estimation for a Fractional Logistic Model. Mathematics, 8(1), Paper No. 109, 1-9. 10.3390/math8010109.1.
Árciga-Alejandre, M. P., Sánchez-Ortiz, J., Ariza-Hernández, F. J., and Catalán-Ángeles, G. (2019). A Multi-Stage Homotopy Perturbation Method for the Fractional Lotka-Volterra Model. Symmetry, 11(11), Paper No. 1330. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11111330.
Sánchez-Ortiz, J., Ariza-Hernández, F. J., Árciga-Alejandre, M. P., and García-Murcia, E. A. (2019). Stochastic diffusion equation with fractional Laplacian on the first quadrant. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 22(3), 795–806.
- Ariza-Hernández, F. J., Sánchez-Ortiz, J., Árciga-Alejandre, M. P., and Vivas-Cruz, L. X. (2017). Bayesian analysis for a fractional population growth model. Journal of Applied Mathematics, Art. ID 9654506, 9 pp.
Árciga-Alejandre, M. P., Ariza-Hernández, F. J., Sánchez-Ortiz, J., and Salmerón-Rodríguez, U. (2016). Fractional Stochastic Heat Equation on the Half-Line. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 10(62), 3095-3105. 10.12988/ams.2016.69243.
Sánchez-Ortiz, J., Árciga-Alejandre, M. P., Ariza-Hernández, F. J., and Hernández-Pastrana, J. C. (2016). Stochastic Black-Scholes equation with time-fractional derivative on the half-line. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 108(1), 159-168. 10.12732/ijpam.v108i1.14.
Ariza-Hernández, F. J., Godínez-Jaimes, F., and Reyes-Carreto, R. (2016). Bayesian estimation of the log-linear exponential regression model with censorship and collinearity. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 45 (2016), no. 1, 152–164.
- Árciga-Alejandre, M. P., Ariza-Hernández, F. J., and Sánchez-Ortiz, J. (2015). Stochastic evolution equation with Riesz-fractional derivative and white noise on the half-line. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 104, 103-109.
Capítulos de Libros
- Vivas-Cruz, L. X., Ariza-Hernández, F. J., Árciga-Alejandre, M. P., y Sánchez-Ortiz, J. (2017). Análisis Bayesiano para una familia de modelos de crecimiento poblacional. En Rodríguez-Yam, G. A., et. al. (Eds.). Aportaciones Recientes a la Estadística en México, Capítulo 17, 142-149. ISBN 978-607-530-067-2.